EDU-M 04.1
Seminar „Theoretische Ansätze zur Evaluation“: Im Seminar werden theoretische Grundlagen der Evaluation erarbeitet und deren Umsetzung in pädagogischen Anwendungsfeldern betrachtet. Neben der Betrachtung verschiedener Definitionen und Formen der Evaluation werden ebenso Aspekte der Planung, Möglichkeiten der konkreten Umsetzung sowie die Auswertung von Evaluationsprojekten behandelt.
Dies ist eine parallel angebotene Veranstaltung. Bei diesen Kursen wird die Anmeldung über den "Anmeldekurs bei Parallelveranstaltungen" (ganz oben in der Kursübersicht des jeweiligen Semesters zu finden) organisiert.
Vst.-Nr.: 32320
EDU-M 11.1
In this master course various models of Instructional Design, such as problem based learning and self-directed learning, will be discussed. In addition, theories on how instruction can be designed will also be discussed. Important aspects are the conditions and determinants for ‘good’ training. Therefore, attention will be paid also to two different perspectives: the needs and characteristics of the participants of the training, and the needs and characteristics of the trainers/teachers. In highly interactive sessions we will work together on the understanding of the theories and the use of theories for solving actual problems in the practice of education and training.
Vst.-Nr.: 32321
Mi, 12:00 - 14:00 c.t.
Vielberthgebäude - VG 0.14
EDU-M 12.2
All students (German and Finnish) of the Finnish-German Master Programme in Education (Double Degree) have to participate in this course and are already registered as participants (no further registration is necessary). All other master-students are more than welcome to join the course as well.