Werkzeugkasten Research Skills (MPS-105.3): Datenvisualisierung
Prof. Dr. Gregor Volberg
Di 12 - 14 ct
Raum VG 0.14
"Standardverfahren in der Psychologie" (Prof. Dr. Gregor Volberg)
Modul PSY-M02.2, "Quantitative Methoden in der Psychologie".
2 SWS / 4 ECTS in vier Parallelgruppen: Mo 16-18, Di 14-16 und 16-18, Mi 16-18
Alle Zeiten und Räume im Campusportal.
In this seminar, students will learn about fundamental processes underlying high level visual processing, and key paradigms used to examine these processes. In a seminar format, we will read, present and discuss journal articles, review articles and book chapters. Throughout the seminar we will learn how to read, present and critically evaluate empirical studies targeting these topics in an interactive format.At the end of the seminar, students will be able to (a) read and evaluate primary and secondary scientific articles, (b) describe fundamental neural mechanisms underlying high level visual processing, and (c) be familiar with key paradigms and the way these can be applied to novel questions. The seminar will be held entirely in English.Dieses Seminar ist dem Modul PSY-BSc-M19.3 zugeordnet.